Main Menù

MIG - Mostra Internazionale del Gelato 2022

Longarone (Belluno)
Sunday, 27th November from 10.00 – 18.30 open to the public
Monday, 28th and Tuesday, 29th November from 10.00 – 18.30 open to trade visitors only
Wednesday, 30th November from 10.00 – 16.00 open to trade visitors only

Saturday, 26th November 2022

10.00 h G.A. General Assembly – Comitato Nazionale per la Difesa e la Diffusione del Gelato Artigianale e di Produzione Propria (Room: Consiglio)
14.30 h ARTGLACE General Assembly – Confédération des Associations des Artisans Glaciers de la Communauté Européenne (Room: Consiglio)

Sunday, 27th November 2022

11.30 h 62nd MIG – Official Opening Ceremony (Ribbon cutting ceremony at the entrance – presentation at the Congress Centre)
Award presentation 3rd ”Ricordiamo Giorgio De Pellegrin” Prize
14.30-17 h Cooking Show – “Chocolate in the ice cream parlour” with Masters Cristiano Gaggion and Giorgio Venudo, organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)
14.30 h “Ice cream without dairy products and no added sugar”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
16.00 h “Granite&Cremolate”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)

Monday, 28th November 2022

10-15.00 h 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO – sample consignment (Hall D)
10-12.00 h Cooking Show “Mousse with Prosecco gel” with Maestro Giacomo Peruzzi and “Chocolate structures: a coloured Christmas tree” with Maestro Nicola Giotti, organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)
10-14 h Granita in Sicilia Festival: International Contest on artisan Sicilian granita – 2022 edition, organized by Gelato Officinale and Uniteis e.V. (Hall C)
11.00 h Conference on Sustainability in the ice cream parlour, organized by Longarone Fiere Dolomiti (Congress Centre)
11.00 h “Sauces and homemade toppings”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
12.30 h “Ice cream production and storage techniques to reduce food waste and increase profit”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
13-15.00 h Consiglio Nazionale Dolciari of Confartigianato Imprese (Room: Consiglio Longarone Fiere Dolomiti)
13-18.00 h “Gelato a Due” International MIG 2022 – This is the third edition of a team competition: a chef and a gelato maker will compete together and prepare a gelato gourmet dish and a gelato dessert (Area concorsi – Hall D)
14-18.00 h Gelato competition between GERMANY and AUSTRIA – 2022 edition, organized by Artglace (Hall C)
14.30 h Gelato pastries: cakes, single portions and small containers. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
14.30 h Presentation of the programme for the 2023 Season of Contaminazioni Stellate (Congress Centre)
15-17 h 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO – 2nd Round: evaluation of samples, organized by Veneto Agricoltura (Hall D)
15.30-18 h Cooking Show “Chocolate sculptures” with Masters Alessandro Del Trotti and Cristiano Gaggion, organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)

Tuesday, 29th November 2022

10-14 h “Gelato a Due” International MIG 2022 – This is the third edition of a team competition: a chef and a gelato maker will compete together and prepare a gelato gourmet dish and a gelato dessert (Area concorsi – Hall D)
10-14 h Gelato competition between GERMANY and AUSTRIA – 2022 edition, organized by Artglace (Hall C)
10-18 h 2nd Competition “A praline in the ice cream parlour” organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)
11.00 h Conference on cash registers in Germany, organized by Uniteis e.V. (Congress Centre)
11.00 h “Ice cream without dairy products and no added sugar”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
12.30 h Gelato pastries: cakes, single portions and small containers. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
14.30 h Award Ceremony: “Gelato a Due” International MIG 2022 – third edition of the team competition dedicated to gourmet gelato
14.30 h “Ice cream production and storage techniques to reduce food waste and increase profit”. Practical demonstrations with instructors from the Carpigiani Gelato University, organized by CSG (Hall A1)
14.30-18.30 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO – in-person manufacturing by the top 20 finishers of the second round. First part (Hall D). Followed by anonymous evaluation of the samples.
15.00 h Circulation of foreign licence plates in Italy: questions and answers with law firm Donà-Viscardini. Organized by Uniteis e.V. (Congress Centre)
17.00 h AGIA Assembly– Association of Italian Artisan Gelato Makers in Austria (Room: Consiglio)
18.00 h Award Ceremony of the 2nd Competition “A praline in the ice cream parlour” organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)

Wednesday, 30th November 2022

9.30-13 h 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO – in-person manufacturing by the top 20 finishers of the second round. Second part (Hall D). Followed by anonymous evaluation of the samples.
10-12.00 h Cooking Show “GELATO” with Maestro Giorgio Venudo, organized by Confartigianato Nazionale Alimentazione (Area Pastry and Chocolate in the Ice cream Parlour – Hall B)
10.30 h UNITEIS e.V. Assembly– Association of Italian Artisan Gelato Makers in Germany (Congress Centre)
14.00 h Finals open to the public: 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO (Area concorsi – Hall D)
15.00 h Award Ceremonies: 26th International Competition “Mastri Gelatieri”, 52nd International Competition COPPA D’ORO and 2nd MIG GREEN Prize Exhibition stand & Innovation (Congress Centre)


Everyday at the trade fair:

– Exhibition area of the Regione del Veneto (Hall D)
During all four days of the trade fair the Gelatieri Veneti will offer preparation demonstrations and tastings of ice cream flavours made with typical products: GELATO, DOP, IGP, DOCG – showcasing the excellences of the Veneto region.



